Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ring of Kerry

July 18, 2007Bill in front of the McGillycuddy's Reeks, very beautiful, and the mountains aren't bad either...hee hee....

Brenda in front of the bathrooms, which were literally built behind the bushes....notice doorway in back of her. We stopped at this little gift shop with snotty, high-pressure sales ladies. If you even just gave a casual look at something they were on you faster than the perfume ladies at the mall.......I only bought a ring, but they had very nice items, great for souvenirs or gifts. Make sure you have lots of euros.
These are some really tall Irish dogs. (Irish wolf hounds)
This was taken in a bog village. The Irish did and still do burn peat for heat, which they dig from the bogs. This is a thatched roof. Who discovered the value of using reeds to make the roof and that it would be waterproof? It is just amazing to me the ingenuity of man.
A house with peat against the outside wall for future use.

We drove higher up into the mountains, gorgeous views (and this time I'm talking about the mountains).

We stopped at a little mom and pop restaurant on the way up the mountain where everything was too expensive and not all the great, it was the only "show in town" though. This is another lady we met from Australia, Michelle.

Back in Killarney that evening.

Today we drove through the 'Ring of Kerry' which includes ocean inlets and the Macgillycuddys reeks, a beautiful mountain range with just breathtaking vistas and scenery. Riding in our coach/bus up and down these narrow roads is quite the adventure, today we could not see the edge, just dropped off into no where, one of our new friends just started cracking up laughing every time that would happen,( it was a nervous laugh) so we were all laughing at her laughing. most of our tour friends are very friendly and the majority of us are from 'the states' as they call us here.

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